Bean to Brew Coffee House, 3202 31st Avenue, Vernon, BC, Canada, October 22 to November 18, 2012
Artists Statement
Visiting the Salton Sea was the highlight of one of our trips to California last year. We were told it was a dead, polluted, and miserable place, but we found it to be the opposite. It was a place that was clinging to long-forgotten hopes and dreams. Its beaches were laden with salt, and the vertebrae of dead fish were alive with wildlife and vibrant with stark contrasting colors. The decay, death, and salt odor overwhelmed this spectacular barren beauty. It was a reminder that life goes on despite ourselves, and out of the ashes of calamity, the earth continues to attempt to renew and replenish itself.

Artists Statement
Visiting the Salton Sea was the highlight of one of our trips to California last year. We were told that it was a dead, polluted and miserable place, but found it to be the complete opposite. It was a place that was clinging to long forgotten hopes and dreams. It’s beaches laden with salt and the vertebrae of dead fish were alive with wildlife and vibrant with stark contrasting colors. Overwhelming all of this spectacular barren beauty was the odor of decay, death and salt. It was a reminder that life goes on in spite of ourselves and out of the ashes of calamity the earth continues to attempt to renew and replenish itself.